Fiverr Review! How I Made $60+ Promoting Info!

Fiverr allows you to create online services to customers for $5 a
gig/job. You are also able to purchase services from sellers for $5.As a
seller, you create a gig with the sentence that looks like this “I will
________________ for $5. Cons: Although it charges $5 per
gig/job, you only get $4 when the gig/job is marked “complete”. Then you
are charged again, .08 cents, when the Fiverr website pays you. So you
REALLY get $3.92 after the money is sent to you via
Lists of jobs you can do:
Promote info on your Twitter account
Promote info on your Facebook account
Create website designs
Banner ideas
Help others gain Twitter followers
Help others gain Facebook fans
Sing a song
Make cartoon drawings
Make a PowerPoint presentation
Publish ebooks
And much more…
As of 8/14/12, I have earned $54.
Sign Up/Purchase Tweets from Me:




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